Charles Nso Ayuk - Online Memorial Website

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Charles Ayuk
Born in Cameroon
52 years
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We do not die because we have to die, we die because one day, and not so long ago, our consciousness was forced to deem it necessary. Antonin Artaud

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest and beloved Charles Nso Ayuk, who was born in Cameroon on March 15, 1962 and passed away on December 26, 2014, in Atlanta Ga. USA.

  My soft spoken big brother, who was a replica of our dad was a loving and caring person, who placed his family and others before himself. I can still recall like it was yesterday when our late brother, Andrew passed. Abo shouldered the responsibility, not only as the next big brother, but also as a dad to all of us. He was very instrumental for us being in the USA. Our entire family will be forever grateful to him for the solid foundation he build in our lives that we are enjoying today. Abo, my big brother we love you so much, and you will be dearly missed but never forgotten. You will forever live in our memories and hearts, say hello to mom and dad, Brother Andrew, Evelyn (Evy) and Constance (Coco).

   Abo, I know you are with the Lord and you have gone ahead again to prepare a better place for us all. Rest in perfect peace until we meet again in our father’s kingdom.


Patience Ayuk Mbongwo




Latest Memories
John Ashu Charles Selfless Community Organizer for us. January 18, 2015
We will feel the absence of Charles most when we gather in our communities and
feel the emptiness that he once so well filled as he urges all of us to look for the
goodness in each of us and strive to empower one another in this adopted home of
ours the USA.  Charles believed and he shared this believe that empowering each other is the only way out to creat a better life for us all.  He had always plausibly pointed
out that one hand cannot tie a bundle but if two or more pulled together their resources we could be better off as a dynamic group than if we tried do it all alone no metter how tough we may appear to be. As he bids us farewel on his transition we should be comforted that his spirit will touch us in one way or the other and encourage us forward in our daily endeavours.  He is now gone ahead of us to prepare and receive us when we too answer the call to Eternity.  Our prays to God should be that God should send Charles to come and receive us when it is our turn, with open hands as he wecomes us in his  quiet and reassuring voice;
           "Welcome, do not be afraid I am here, with you, and
          will walk with you and guide you to your destination".

John Ashu


Latest Condolences
Chet Aruk Family February 17, 2015
As we mourn this moment of the sudden transition of our beloved brother Abo, we should rest assured that his soul is gradually and steadily winging its flight to attain the   presence of the All-Knowing, the Ominiscent God. Let us assist his journey by praying that his soul will continue to progress in the realm of God. Though we grieve of his transition, I am without doubt that he is surrounded by our loved ones who had made the journey before and they rejoice his Presence.

To Agbor, Otang, Peh, and Asum, We share in your pain and may the Lord of Host grant you the strength, guide and protect you as navigate this moment of trials and difficulties. 
Mbanda John Tambe-Ndip Nephew February 6, 2015
I know you are in a place prepared for you by your heavenly FATHER. Forever you will missed. Rest in Peace Uncle Charly.
Sammy & Eunice Mokake Compatriot. January 29, 2015
 It is really sad you went too soon. May Your Soul Rest in Peace.
Ayamba Enyong Friend, Sister, Pikin etc January 23, 2015
It has taken me this long to write because I can't still believe Abo is gone! Deeply saddened; I can't even begin to decribe how I feel about your transitioning.  A soft spoken, kind hearted, generous, gentle, selfless, God fearing man, with an uncanny ability to reach people in a deep and positive way you were! Always ready to help everyone you came across, regardless of if you knew them or not was your trademark! Charlie, originally a friend of our brothers (Julius & Felix) inherited my twin sister and I when we moved to Georgia. From being stuck on the interstate with broken cars to messing up our car engines because we never knew cars needed oil changes, to telling us we needed to take Vitamin C because we kept having colds were just a few of the issues you were ever so delighted to help us with. In your ever so soft spoken voice offered sound and reasonable advices to us when we needed that voice of reasoning and for that we will forever be so grateful. Patience, Walters, Otang and the rest of the Ayuk family, thank you for sharing Abo with us. We all loved you so much but God will rather have His angels close to Him. We will miss you and that infectious smile of yours. May your gentle soul repose in perfect peace.

Romans 14:8  For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live, or whether we die, we are the Lord's!
Ayuk Ogork Family friendship January 21, 2015
My beloved brother as family friendship and we expressed our condelence. He is known for the great kindly hospitality to Cameroon community in Atlanta.

Love from Alessa, Zoya, Kaze, Marie and Ayuk.
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